SAP has a vast number of modules and functionalities, each with its own set of commonly used tables. Providing a comprehensive list of all commonly used tables for every SAP module would be quite extensive. However, I can provide you with a general overview of some major SAP modules and some of the commonly used tables within each module:

Here is a list of commonly used SAP Material Management (MM) tables:

EKKO - Purchase Order Header

EKPO - Purchase Order Item

MARA - Material Master General Data

MVKE - Sales Data for Material

EBAN - Purchase Requisition

EINA - Accounting: Purchasing Info Record- General Data

EINE - Accounting: Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data

MEINS - Units of Measure

EKBE - History per Purchasing Document

EBELN - Purchase Document Number

T163W - Texts for Purchasing Document

EKKN - Account Assignment in Purchasing Document

EKRS - Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines

Here is a list of commonly used SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) tables:

VBAK - Sales Document: Header Data

VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data

VBUK - Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data

VBRP - Billing Document: Item Data

KNA1 - Customer Master: General Data

LFA1 - Vendor Master: General Data

TVAK - Sales Document: Partner Data

TVKBT - Billing Document: Header Data

TVKON - Billing Document: Header Status and Administrative Data

TVRP - Billing Document: Item Data

VBRK - Billing Document: Header Data

MARA - Material Master: General Data

MAKT - Material Master: Description

MKPF - Material Document Header

MVKE - Sales Data for Material

VTTK - Delivery Header

VTTK_H - Delivery Item Header

VTTP - Delivery Item

VBAK_VKO - Customer Master: Sales Data

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and the actual tables used may vary based on the specific requirements and customizations of a SAP SD implementation.

Here is a list of commonly used SAP Plant Maintenance (PM) tables:

IW32 - Change Notification

IW33 - Change Notification: Task List

IW39 - Work Order

IW32I - Change Notification: Long Texts

IW32W - Change Notification: Work Center Assignment

IW33W - Change Notification: Work Center Assignment

IW39W - Work Order: Work Center Assignment

IW39A - Work Order: Components

IW39B - Work Order: Labor

IW39C - Work Order: Cost

IW39D - Work Order: Cost Centers

PMRWB - Routing with Operation

PMEVC - Maintenance Event for Equipment

PMEVC_OP - Operation in Maintenance Event

PMEVC_FL - PM Event: Order Functions

PMEVC_FLOC - Order Function Assignment to Objects

PMEVC_PROJ - Maintenance Project

Note: This is not an exhaustive list and the actual tables used may vary based on the specific requirements and customizations of a SAP PM implementation.

Here is a list of commonly used SAP (HCM) module tables:

SAP Human Capital Management (HCM) module consists of various tables that store employee-related data, organizational structures, payroll information, and more. Here is a list of some commonly used SAP HCM tables:

PA0001 - Organizational Assignment

PA0002 - Personal Data

PA0006 - Addresses

PA0007 - Planned Working Time

PA0008 - Basic Pay

PA0009 - Bank Details

PA0014 - Recurring Payments and Deductions

PA0105 - Communication

PA0128 - Benefits

PA0167 - Previous Employers

PA0207 - Personal Relationships

PA0302 - Actions

PA0402 - Cost Distribution

PA2001 - Fast Entry for Events

PA2006 - Time Constraint Classes

PA2093 - Wage Type Texts

T001P - Personnel Areas

T001W - Payroll Areas

T500P - Personnel Subareas

T500R - Payroll Subareas

T512T - Deduction Texts

T513 - Deduction Rules

T510 - Wage Type Groups

T549A - Deduction Rules

T549Q - Deduction Overrides

Please note that the names and purposes of these tables may vary depending on the specific version and configuration of your SAP system. Also, keep in mind that SAP HCM has evolved over time, and new tables may have been introduced or existing ones modified in later versions. It's always recommended to consult your SAP documentation or system administrator for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Here is a list of commonly used SAP (PP) module tables:

SAP Production Planning (PP) module encompasses various tables that store information related to production planning, manufacturing processes, bill of materials, work centers, and more. Here is a list of some commonly used SAP PP module tables:

MARC - Plant Data for Material

MAST - Material to BOM Link

MAPL - Assignment of Task Lists to Materials

PLKO - Task List - Header

PLPO - Task List - Operations

PLMK - Task List - Material Allocation

STKO - BOM Header


CRHD - Work Center Header

CRCA - Work Center Capacity Allocation

AFKO - Order Header Data PP Orders

AFPO - Order Item

RESB - Reservation/Dependent Requirements

AFVC - Operation within an Order

MDKP - Header Data for MRP Document

MDVM - Planning File Entries for Independent Requirements

MDKP - Header Data for MRP Document

MDVM - Planning File Entries for Independent Requirements

PACL - Control of Operations

TCOBX - Predefined Selection for Confirmation

TC32 - Descriptions of Standard Profiles

TC23 - Allocate Std. Profiles in Routing

TC04 - Transaction-Specific Parameters

TCX03 - Control Table for Operation/Activity Control

TC11 - CAPP Profiles

Please note that the table names and their purposes may vary based on the specific version and configuration of your SAP system. Additionally, SAP PP has evolved over time, and new tables may have been introduced or existing ones modified in later versions. Always refer to your SAP documentation or consult with your system administrator for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Here is a list of commonly used Plant Maintenance (PM) & Project System (PS) modules tables:

SAP Plant Maintenance (PM) and Project System (PS) modules have several tables that store data related to maintenance activities, project planning, scheduling, and more. Here's a list of some commonly used tables in the SAP PM and PS modules:

SAP PM Module Tables:

EQUI - Equipment Master Data

IFLO - Functional Location Master Data

MAST - Material to BOM Link (for Equipment BOMs)

MAST_V - Material BOM (for Equipment BOMs)

ORDERS - Maintenance Orders

AUFK - Order Master Data

AFVC - Operation within an Order

CRHD - Work Center Header

CRCA - Work Center Capacity Allocation

CRVD_B - Document Link (for Equipment, Functional Location, and Material)

RESB - Reservation/Dependent Requirements

MSEG - Document Segment: Material

MARC - Plant Data for Material

MARV - Material Control Record

PLPO - Task List - Operations

PLKO - Task List - Header

TPLNR - Task List Group

T350 - Work Centers

T370 - Work Center Categories

TC24 - Control Key for PM Orders

TC25 - Parameters for Automatic Scheduling

T351 - Priority Types

T352 - Interval for Maintenance Plans

SAP PS Module Tables:

PRPS - Project Definition

PRPSS - Project Definition (for Summarization)

PROJ - Project Information System: Object Table

AFVC - Operation within an Order (for Projects)

AUFK - Order Master Data (for Projects)

PRTE - Standard Networks

AFVC - Operation within an Order (for Networks)

AFVC - Operation within an Order (for WBS Elements)

AFAB - Network Relationships

AFRV - Confirmations

PLAF - Planned Order

PLPO - Task List - Operations (for Networks)

PLKO - Task List - Header (for Networks)

PSMERK - Characteristics for Summarization (for PS)

TCJ02 - Authorization for Project Elements

TCJ20 - Profiles for Summarization (for PS)

TCJ21 - Field Selection for Summarization (for PS)

Please note that the availability and usage of these tables may vary based on the specific version and configuration of your SAP system. Also, SAP PM and PS modules have evolved over time, so there may be new tables introduced or existing ones modified in later versions. It's recommended to refer to your SAP documentation or consult with your system administrator for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Here is a list of commonly used SAP Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) modules tables:

SAP Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) modules involve a multitude of tables that store data related to financial transactions, cost centers, profit centers, general ledger, and more. Below is a list of some commonly used tables in the SAP FI and CO modules:

SAP FI Module Tables:

BSEG - Accounting Document Segment

BKPF - Accounting Document Header

SKA1 - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)

SKB1 - G/L Account Master (Company Code)

T001 - Company Codes

T003 - Document Types

T004 - Chart of Accounts

T030 - Document Types

T052 - Tax Types

T001K - Account Control (Group Key)

T016 - Tax Codes

T030 - Document Types

T042 - Automatic Payment Program Config.

T047A - Withholding Tax Codes

SAP CO Module Tables:

CEPC - Profit Center Master Data

CSKS - Cost Centers

CSKT - Cost Center Texts

COSP - CO Object: Line Items (for Cost Centers)

CEKKO - CO-Order Header Data

CEKPO - CO-Order Item Data

COEP - CO Object: Line Items (for Internal Orders)

COKA - CO Object: Cost Elements (for Internal Orders)

COKP - CO Object: Control Data for Internal Orders

COSP - CO Object: Line Items (for Internal Orders)

COSP - CO Object: Line Items (for WBS Elements)

COSS - Cost Element Group

TKA01 - CO Versions

TCURR - Currency Exchange Rates

TCURX - Translation Factors

Please note that the table names and their purposes may vary based on the specific version and configuration of your SAP system. Additionally, SAP FI and CO modules have evolved over time, and new tables may have been introduced or existing ones modified in later versions. It's recommended to refer to your SAP documentation or consult with your system administrator for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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