2) SAP
SAP - System Application and Products for real-time data processing.
SAP - System Application and Products in real-time data processing.
3) History of SAP
SAP was introduced by SAP AG in 1972 at Walldorf.( Germany)
SAP is a German-based product.
4) Features of SAP
a)It is an integration of all functions into one common software.
b)It is a Multi-lingual software.
C)It is a user-based license agreement.( requires a username and password)
5) SAP R/3 Architecture
( 3 - 3 tier architecture, R- Real) - SAP is a real-time architecture.
Layers - Presentation Layer( User Interaction Layer)
Application Layer( Writing the programs and applications)
Database Layer( To store and retrieve the data).
6) SAP Netweaver (NW) is an integrated technology platform that can support various SAP applications.
Examples -> SAP ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)
SAP CRM( Customer Relationship Management)
SAP SRM( Supply Relationship Management)
SAP PI( Process Integration).
7) ABAP/4 ->
Advanced Business Application Programming language.
It is a 4th generation language.
ABAP lies on the Application Layer.
8) Modules of SAP->
Functional Modules
Technical Modules
Functional Modules
SAP SD( Sales & Distribution)
SAP MM( Material Management)
SAP PS( Project System)
SAP FICO( Finance & Controlling)
SAP HR( Human Resources) -> HCM( Human Capital Management)
SAP WM( Warehouse Management)
Techical Modules->
SAP BASIS -> Administration and Monitoring of SAP systems.
SAP ABAP -> Programming language for SAP.
SAP BIBO( Business Intelligence,
9) Business Objects) -> Reporting tool
10) SAP system Landscape
Development - Dedicated for development.
Quality -> Testing
Production( Live system) - Used by the customer.
Transport Request -> It is a Mechanism to transport objects from one system to another system.
11) SAP Logon Configuration:
Description: You can put any description of the system.
If we will not put any description, It is a combination of System Id and Application Server.
Application Server: Enter IP address or Hostname of SAP application server.
Instance number: The instance number of the SAP system which is defined during SAP installation.
It is of 2 characters long.It varies from 00 to 99.
System ID(SID): System id is a unique identification code for every SAP system which is defined
during SAP Installation.
It is 3 characters long.
Example: S4H,A4H etc.
12) ABAP Workbench -> It is a collection of ABAP tools.
SE38 -> Program/Report
SE11-> ABAP Dictionary
SE37 -> Function Module
SE24-> Class
13) Transaction Code -> It is a shortcut to access ABAP workbench tools.
/nxxxx - to call Transaction xxxx( override the existing session)
/oxxxx - to Call Transaction xxxx in a new Session
/NEX -> to close all the sessions
/n -> to cancel a session
/o- Display an Overview of sessions
14) User can open a maximum of 6 sessions.
15) F4 Help -> It tells us what are the various possible values for any Input field.
F1 Help -> It gives us the technical information of any field/column.
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